Getting Started
‣- Opcodes
- XML instrument bank
- Opcodes
- Opcodes
- Extended MIDI CCs
- ‹control›
- ‹curve›
- ‹effect›
- ‹global›
- ‹group›
- Headers
- ‹master›
- ‹midi›
- ‹region›
- ‹sample›
- Opcodes
- Curve Generator
- Opcodes
- Categories
- Opcodes
- Opcodes
- curveccN
- Envelope Generators
- icurveccN
- Modulations
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2attack
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2decay
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2delay
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2hold
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2release
- modulations/moved/ampeg_vel2sustain
- modulations/moved/amplfo_depthchanaft
- modulations/moved/amplfo_depthpolyaft
- modulations/moved/amplfo_freqchanaft
- modulations/moved/amplfo_freqpolyaft
- modulations/moved/eqN_vel2freq
- smoothccN
- stepccN
- (eg type)_vel2(target)
- opcodes/_mod
- opcodes/amp_attack
- opcodes/amp_decay
- opcodes/amp_delay
- opcodes/amp_hold
- opcodes/amp_keycenter
- opcodes/amp_keytrack
- opcodes/amp_random
- opcodes/amp_release
- opcodes/amp_sustain
- opcodes/amp_vel2attack
- opcodes/amp_vel2decay
- opcodes/amp_vel2delay
- opcodes/amp_vel2hold
- opcodes/amp_vel2release
- opcodes/amp_vel2sustain
- opcodes/amp_velcurve_N
- opcodes/amp_veltrack_ccN
- opcodes/amp_veltrack_curveccN
- opcodes/amp_veltrack_onccN
- opcodes/amp_veltrack_random
- opcodes/amp_veltrack
- opcodes/ampeg_attack_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_attack_shape
- opcodes/ampeg_attack
- opcodes/ampeg_attackccN
- opcodes/ampeg_decay_curveccN
- opcodes/ampeg_decay_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_decay_shape
- opcodes/ampeg_decay_zero
- opcodes/ampeg_decay
- opcodes/ampeg_decayccN
- opcodes/ampeg_delay_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_delay
- opcodes/ampeg_delayccN
- opcodes/ampeg_dynamic
- opcodes/ampeg_hold_curveccN
- opcodes/ampeg_hold_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_hold
- opcodes/ampeg_holdccN
- opcodes/ampeg_release_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_release_shape
- opcodes/ampeg_release_zero
- opcodes/ampeg_release
- opcodes/ampeg_releaseccN
- opcodes/ampeg_start_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_start
- opcodes/ampeg_startccN
- opcodes/ampeg_sustain_curveccN
- opcodes/ampeg_sustain_onccN
- opcodes/ampeg_sustain
- opcodes/ampeg_sustainccN
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2attack
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2decay
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2delay
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2hold
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2release
- opcodes/ampeg_vel2sustain
- opcodes/amplfo_delay
- opcodes/amplfo_depth_onccN
- opcodes/amplfo_depth
- opcodes/amplfo_depthccN
- opcodes/amplfo_depthchanaft
- opcodes/amplfo_depthpolyaft
- opcodes/amplfo_fade
- opcodes/amplfo_freq
- opcodes/amplfo_freqccN
- opcodes/amplfo_freqchanaft
- opcodes/amplfo_freqpolyaft
- opcodes/amplitude_ccN
- opcodes/amplitude_curveccN
- opcodes/amplitude_onccN
- opcodes/amplitude_smoothccN
- opcodes/amplitude
- opcodes/apan_depth_onccN
- opcodes/apan_depth
- opcodes/apan_dry_onccN
- opcodes/apan_dry
- opcodes/apan_freq_onccN
- opcodes/apan_freq
- opcodes/apan_phase_onccN
- opcodes/apan_phase
- opcodes/apan_waveform
- opcodes/apan_wet_onccN
- opcodes/apan_wet
- opcodes/bend_down
- opcodes/bend_smooth
- opcodes/bend_step
- opcodes/bend_stepdown
- opcodes/bend_stepup
- opcodes/bend_up
- opcodes/benddown
- opcodes/bendstep
- opcodes/bendup
- opcodes/bitred_curveccN
- opcodes/bitred_onccN
- opcodes/bitred_smoothccN
- opcodes/bitred_stepccN
- opcodes/bitred
- opcodes/bus
- opcodes/bypass_onccN
- opcodes/comp_attack
- opcodes/comp_gain
- opcodes/comp_ratio
- opcodes/comp_release
- opcodes/comp_stlink
- opcodes/comp_threshold
- opcodes/count
- ‹curve›
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- opcodes/cutoff_random
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- opcodes/cutoff2_random
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- cutoff / cutoff2
- opcodes/decim_curveccN
- opcodes/decim_onccN
- opcodes/decim_smoothccN
- opcodes/decim_stepccN
- opcodes/decim
- opcodes/default_path
- opcodes/define
- opcodes/delay_beats_curveccN
- opcodes/delay_beats_onccN
- opcodes/delay_beats_random
- opcodes/delay_beats
- opcodes/delay_ccN
- opcodes/delay_curveccN
- opcodes/delay_cutoff_onccN
- opcodes/delay_cutoff
- delay_damplo / delay_damphi
- delay_damplo / delay_damphi
- delay_damplo / delay_damphi
- delay_damplo / delay_damphi
- opcodes/delay_dry_onccN
- opcodes/delay_dry
- opcodes/delay_feedback_onccN
- opcodes/delay_feedback
- opcodes/delay_filter
- opcodes/delay_input_onccN
- opcodes/delay_input
- opcodes/delay_levelc
- opcodes/delay_levell
- opcodes/delay_levelr
- opcodes/delay_lfofreq_onccN
- opcodes/delay_lfofreq
- opcodes/delay_moddepth_onccN
- opcodes/delay_moddepth
- opcodes/delay_mode
- opcodes/delay_onccN
- opcodes/delay_panc_onccN
- opcodes/delay_panc
- opcodes/delay_panl_onccN
- opcodes/delay_panl
- opcodes/delay_panr_onccN
- opcodes/delay_panr
- opcodes/delay_random
- opcodes/delay_resonance_onccN
- opcodes/delay_resonance
- opcodes/delay_samples_onccN
- opcodes/delay_samples
- opcodes/delay_spread_onccN
- opcodes/delay_spread
- opcodes/delay_syncc_onccN
- opcodes/delay_syncl_onccN
- opcodes/delay_syncr_onccN
- opcodes/delay_time_tap
- opcodes/delay_timec_onccN
- opcodes/delay_timec
- opcodes/delay_timel_onccN
- opcodes/delay_timel
- opcodes/delay_timer_onccN
- opcodes/delay_timer
- opcodes/delay_wet_onccN
- opcodes/delay_wet
- opcodes/delay
- opcodes/direction
- opcodes/directtomain
- opcodes/disto_depth_onccN
- opcodes/disto_depth
- opcodes/disto_dry_onccN
- opcodes/disto_dry
- opcodes/disto_stages
- opcodes/disto_tone_onccN
- opcodes/disto_tone
- opcodes/disto_wet_onccN
- opcodes/disto_wet
- opcodes/dsp_order
- opcodes/effect1
- opcodes/effect2
- opcodes/effect3
- opcodes/effect4
- opcodes/egN_ampeg
- opcodes/egN_amplitude_onccX
- opcodes/egN_amplitude
- opcodes/egN_bitred_onccX
- opcodes/egN_bitred
- opcodes/egN_curveX
- opcodes/egN_cutoff_onccX
- opcodes/egN_cutoff
- opcodes/egN_cutoff2_onccX
- opcodes/egN_cutoff2
- opcodes/egN_decim_onccX
- opcodes/egN_decim
- opcodes/egN_depth_lfoX
- opcodes/egN_depthadd_lfoX
- opcodes/egN_driveshape_onccX
- opcodes/egN_driveshape
- opcodes/egN_eqXbw_onccY
- opcodes/egN_eqXbw
- opcodes/egN_eqXfreq_onccY
- opcodes/egN_eqXfreq
- opcodes/egN_eqXgain_onccY
- opcodes/egN_eqXgain
- opcodes/egN_freq_lfoX
- opcodes/egN_levelX_onccY
- opcodes/egN_levelX
- opcodes/egN_loop_count
- opcodes/egN_loop
- opcodes/egN_noiselevel_onccX
- opcodes/egN_noiselevel
- opcodes/egN_noisestep_onccX
- opcodes/egN_noisestep
- opcodes/egN_noisetone_onccX
- opcodes/egN_noisetone
- opcodes/egN_pan_curve
- opcodes/egN_pan_curveccX
- opcodes/egN_pan_onccX
- opcodes/egN_pan
- opcodes/egN_pitch_onccX
- opcodes/egN_pitch
- opcodes/egN_points
- opcodes/egN_rectify_onccX
- opcodes/egN_rectify
- opcodes/egN_resonance_onccX
- opcodes/egN_resonance
- opcodes/egN_resonance2_onccX
- opcodes/egN_resonance2
- opcodes/egN_ringmod_onccX
- opcodes/egN_ringmod
- opcodes/egN_shapeX
- opcodes/egN_sustain
- opcodes/egN_timeX_onccY
- opcodes/egN_timeX
- opcodes/egN_volume_onccX
- opcodes/egN_volume
- opcodes/egN_width_onccX
- opcodes/egN_width
- opcodes/end
- opcodes/eq_bw_onccN
- opcodes/eq_bw
- opcodes/eq_freq_onccN
- opcodes/eq_freq
- opcodes/eq_gain_onccN
- opcodes/eq_gain
- opcodes/eq_type
- opcodes/eqN_bw_onccX
- opcodes/eqN_bw
- opcodes/eqN_bwccX
- opcodes/eqN_dynamic
- opcodes/eqN_freq_onccX
- opcodes/eqN_freq
- opcodes/eqN_freqccX
- opcodes/eqN_gain_onccX
- opcodes/eqN_gain
- opcodes/eqN_gainccX
- opcodes/eqN_type
- opcodes/eqN_vel2freq
- opcodes/eqN_vel2gain
- opcodes/fil_attack
- opcodes/fil_decay
- opcodes/fil_delay
- opcodes/fil_depth
- fil_gain / fil2_gain
- fil_gain / fil2_gain
- opcodes/fil_hold
- fil_keycenter / fil2_keycenter
- fil_keytrack / fil2_keytrack
- opcodes/fil_random
- opcodes/fil_release
- opcodes/fil_sustain
- fil_type / fil2_type
- opcodes/fil_vel2attack
- opcodes/fil_vel2decay
- opcodes/fil_vel2delay
- opcodes/fil_vel2depth
- opcodes/fil_vel2hold
- opcodes/fil_vel2release
- opcodes/fil_vel2sustain
- fil_veltrack / fil2_veltrack
- fil_gain / fil2_gain
- fil_gain / fil2_gain
- fil_keycenter / fil2_keycenter
- fil_keytrack / fil2_keytrack
- fil_type / fil2_type
- fil_veltrack / fil2_veltrack
- opcodes/fileg_attack_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_attack_shape
- opcodes/fileg_attack
- opcodes/fileg_attackccN
- opcodes/fileg_decay_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_decay_shape
- opcodes/fileg_decay_zero
- opcodes/fileg_decay
- opcodes/fileg_decayccN
- opcodes/fileg_delay_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_delay
- opcodes/fileg_delayccN
- opcodes/fileg_depth_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_depth
- opcodes/fileg_depthccN
- opcodes/fileg_dynamic
- opcodes/fileg_hold_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_hold
- opcodes/fileg_holdccN
- opcodes/fileg_release_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_release_shape
- opcodes/fileg_release_zero
- opcodes/fileg_release
- opcodes/fileg_releaseccN
- opcodes/fileg_start_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_start
- opcodes/fileg_startccN
- opcodes/fileg_sustain_onccN
- opcodes/fileg_sustain
- opcodes/fileg_sustainccN
- opcodes/fileg_vel2attack
- opcodes/fileg_vel2decay
- opcodes/fileg_vel2delay
- opcodes/fileg_vel2depth
- opcodes/fileg_vel2hold
- opcodes/fileg_vel2release
- opcodes/fileg_vel2sustain
- opcodes/fillfo_delay
- opcodes/fillfo_depth_onccN
- opcodes/fillfo_depth
- opcodes/fillfo_depthccN
- opcodes/fillfo_depthchanaft
- opcodes/fillfo_depthpolyaft
- opcodes/fillfo_fade
- opcodes/fillfo_freq
- opcodes/fillfo_freqccN
- opcodes/fillfo_freqchanaft
- opcodes/fillfo_freqpolyaft
- opcodes/filter_cutoff_onccN
- opcodes/filter_cutoff
- opcodes/filter_resonance_onccN
- opcodes/filter_resonance
- opcodes/filter_type
- fil_type / fil2_type
- opcodes/fxNtomain
- opcodes/fxNtomix
- opcodes/gain_ccN
- opcodes/gain_onccN
- opcodes/gain_random
- opcodes/gate_attack
- opcodes/gate_onccN
- opcodes/gate_release
- opcodes/gate_stlink
- opcodes/gate_threshold
- opcodes/global_amplitude
- opcodes/global_label
- opcodes/global_tune
- opcodes/global_volume
- opcodes/group_amplitude
- opcodes/group_label
- opcodes/group_tune
- opcodes/group_volume
- opcodes/group
- lobend / hibend
- lobpm / hibpm
- loccN / hiccN
- lochan / hichan
- lochanaft / hichanaft
- lohdccN / hihdccN
- lokey / hikey
- opcodes/hint_
- lopolyaft / hipolyaft
- loprog / hiprog
- lorand / hirand
- lotimer / hitimer
- lovel / hivel
- opcodes/image
- opcodes/include
- Opcodes
- opcodes/internal
- opcodes/key
- opcodes/label_ccN
- opcodes/label_keyN
- opcodes/lfoN_amplitude_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_amplitude_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_amplitude_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_amplitude
- opcodes/lfoN_bitred_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_bitred_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_bitred_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_bitred
- opcodes/lfoN_count
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff2_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff2_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff2_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_cutoff2
- opcodes/lfoN_decim_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_decim_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_decim_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_decim
- opcodes/lfoN_delay_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_delay
- opcodes/lfoN_depth_lfoX
- opcodes/lfoN_depthadd_lfoX
- opcodes/lfoN_drive_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_drive_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_drive_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_drive
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXbw_onccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXbw_smoothccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXbw_stepccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXbw
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXfreq_onccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXfreq_smoothccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXfreq_stepccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXfreq
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXgain_onccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXgain_smoothccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXgain_stepccY
- opcodes/lfoN_eqXgain
- opcodes/lfoN_fade_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_fade
- opcodes/lfoN_freq_lfoX_onccY
- opcodes/lfoN_freq_lfoX
- opcodes/lfoN_freq_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_freq_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_freq_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_freq
- opcodes/lfoN_noiselevel_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noiselevel_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noiselevel_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noiselevel
- opcodes/lfoN_noisestep_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisestep_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisestep_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisestep
- opcodes/lfoN_noisetone_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisetone_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisetone_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_noisetone
- opcodes/lfoN_offset
- opcodes/lfoN_offsetX
- opcodes/lfoN_pan_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pan_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pan_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pan
- opcodes/lfoN_phase_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_phase
- opcodes/lfoN_pitch_curveccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pitch_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pitch_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pitch_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_pitch
- opcodes/lfoN_ratio
- opcodes/lfoN_ratioX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance2_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance2_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance2_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_resonance2
- opcodes/lfoN_scale
- opcodes/lfoN_scaleX
- opcodes/lfoN_smooth_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_smooth
- opcodes/lfoN_steps
- opcodes/lfoN_stepX_onccY
- opcodes/lfoN_stepX
- opcodes/lfoN_volume_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_volume_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_volume_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_volume
- opcodes/lfoN_wave_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_wave
- opcodes/lfoN_waveX
- opcodes/lfoN_width_onccX
- opcodes/lfoN_width_smoothccX
- opcodes/lfoN_width_stepccX
- opcodes/lfoN_width
- opcodes/load_end
- opcodes/load_mode
- opcodes/load_start
- lobend / hibend
- lobpm / hibpm
- loccN / hiccN
- lochan / hichan
- lochanaft / hichanaft
- lohdccN / hihdccN
- lokey / hikey
- opcodes/loop_count
- opcodes/loop_crossfade
- opcodes/loop_end
- opcodes/loop_length_onccN
- opcodes/loop_lengthccN
- opcodes/loop_mode
- opcodes/loop_start_onccN
- opcodes/loop_start
- opcodes/loop_startccN
- opcodes/loop_tune
- opcodes/loop_type
- opcodes/loopcount
- opcodes/loopend
- opcodes/loopmode
- opcodes/loopstart
- opcodes/looptune
- opcodes/looptype
- lopolyaft / hipolyaft
- loprog / hiprog
- lorand / hirand
- lotimer / hitimer
- lovel / hivel
- opcodes/master_amplitude
- opcodes/master_label
- opcodes/master_tune
- opcodes/master_volume
- opcodes/md5
- opcodes/noise_filter
- opcodes/noise_level_onccN
- opcodes/noise_level_smoothccN
- opcodes/noise_level
- opcodes/noise_step_onccN
- opcodes/noise_step
- opcodes/noise_stereo
- opcodes/noise_tone_onccN
- opcodes/noise_tone
- opcodes/note_offset
- opcodes/note_polyphony
- opcodes/note_selfmask
- opcodes/octave_offset
- opcodes/off_by
- opcodes/off_curve
- opcodes/off_mode
- opcodes/off_shape
- opcodes/off_time
- opcodes/offby
- opcodes/offset_ccN
- opcodes/offset_onccN
- opcodes/offset_random
- opcodes/offset
- on_loccN / on_hiccN
- on_lohdccN / on_hihdccN
- on_loccN / on_hiccN
- on_lohdccN / on_hihdccN
- opcodes/oscillator_detune_onccN
- opcodes/oscillator_detune
- opcodes/oscillator_mod_depth_onccN
- opcodes/oscillator_mod_depth
- opcodes/oscillator_mod_smoothccN
- opcodes/oscillator_mode
- opcodes/oscillator_multi
- opcodes/oscillator_phase
- opcodes/oscillator_quality
- opcodes/oscillator_table_size
- opcodes/oscillator
- opcodes/output
- opcodes/pan_ccN
- opcodes/pan_curveccN
- opcodes/pan_keycenter
- opcodes/pan_keytrack
- opcodes/pan_law
- opcodes/pan_onccN
- opcodes/pan_random
- opcodes/pan_smoothccN
- opcodes/pan_stepccN
- opcodes/pan_veltrack
- opcodes/pan
- opcodes/param_offset
- opcodes/phase
- opcodes/phaser_depth_onccN
- opcodes/phaser_depth
- opcodes/phaser_feedback_onccN
- opcodes/phaser_feedback
- opcodes/phaser_freq_onccN
- opcodes/phaser_freq
- opcodes/phaser_phase_onccN
- opcodes/phaser_stages
- opcodes/phaser_waveform
- opcodes/phaser_wet_onccN
- opcodes/phaser_wet
- opcodes/pitch_attack
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/pitch_decay
- opcodes/pitch_delay
- opcodes/pitch_depth
- opcodes/pitch_hold
- opcodes/pitch_keycenter
- opcodes/pitch_keytrack
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/pitch_random
- opcodes/pitch_release
- tune / pitch
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/pitch_sustain
- opcodes/pitch_vel2attack
- opcodes/pitch_vel2decay
- opcodes/pitch_vel2delay
- opcodes/pitch_vel2depth
- opcodes/pitch_vel2hold
- opcodes/pitch_vel2release
- opcodes/pitch_vel2sustain
- opcodes/pitch_veltrack
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/pitcheg_attack_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_attack_shape
- opcodes/pitcheg_attack
- opcodes/pitcheg_decay_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_decay_shape
- opcodes/pitcheg_decay_zero
- opcodes/pitcheg_decay
- opcodes/pitcheg_delay_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_delay
- opcodes/pitcheg_depth_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_depth
- opcodes/pitcheg_depthccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_dynamic
- opcodes/pitcheg_hold_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_hold
- opcodes/pitcheg_release_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_release_shape
- opcodes/pitcheg_release_zero
- opcodes/pitcheg_release
- opcodes/pitcheg_start_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_start
- opcodes/pitcheg_sustain_onccN
- opcodes/pitcheg_sustain
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2attack
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2decay
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2delay
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2depth
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2hold
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2release
- opcodes/pitcheg_vel2sustain
- opcodes/pitchlfo_delay
- opcodes/pitchlfo_depth_onccN
- opcodes/pitchlfo_depth
- opcodes/pitchlfo_depthccN
- opcodes/pitchlfo_depthchanaft
- opcodes/pitchlfo_depthpolyaft
- opcodes/pitchlfo_fade
- opcodes/pitchlfo_freq
- opcodes/pitchlfo_freqccN
- opcodes/pitchlfo_freqchanaft
- opcodes/pitchlfo_freqpolyaft
- opcodes/polyphony_group
- opcodes/polyphony_stealing
- opcodes/polyphony
- opcodes/position_curveccN
- opcodes/position_keycenter
- opcodes/position_keytrack
- opcodes/position_onccN
- opcodes/position_random
- opcodes/position_smoothccN
- opcodes/position_stepccN
- opcodes/position_veltrack
- opcodes/position
- opcodes/region_label
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- opcodes/resonance_random
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- resonance / resonance2
- opcodes/reverb_damp_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_damp
- opcodes/reverb_dry_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_dry
- opcodes/reverb_input_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_input
- opcodes/reverb_predelay_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_predelay
- opcodes/reverb_size_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_size
- opcodes/reverb_tone_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_tone
- opcodes/reverb_type
- opcodes/reverb_wet_onccN
- opcodes/reverb_wet
- reverse_loccN / reverse_hiccN
- reverse_loccN / reverse_hiccN
- opcodes/rt_dead
- opcodes/rt_decay
- opcodes/sample_fadeout
- opcodes/sample_quality
- opcodes/sample
- opcodes/script
- opcodes/seq_length
- opcodes/seq_position
- opcodes/set_ccN
- opcodes/set_hdccN
- opcodes/set_realccN
- opcodes/sostenuto_cc
- opcodes/sostenuto_lo
- opcodes/sostenuto_sw
- on_loccN / on_hiccN
- on_lohdccN / on_hihdccN
- on_loccN / on_hiccN
- on_lohdccN / on_hihdccN
- opcodes/static_cyclic_level
- opcodes/static_cyclic_time
- opcodes/static_filter
- opcodes/static_level_onccN
- opcodes/static_level
- opcodes/static_random_level
- opcodes/static_random_maxtime
- opcodes/static_random_mintime
- opcodes/static_stereo
- opcodes/static_tone
- opcodes/stop_beats
- stop_loccN / stop_hiccN
- stop_lohdccN / stop_hihdccN
- stop_loccN / stop_hiccN
- stop_lohdccN / stop_hihdccN
- opcodes/strings_number
- opcodes/strings_wet_onccN
- opcodes/sustain_cc
- opcodes/sustain_lo
- opcodes/sustain_sw
- sw_default / sw_label
- sw_down / sw_up
- sw_lokey / sw_hikey
- sw_lolast / sw_hilast
- sw_default / sw_label
- opcodes/sw_last
- sw_lokey / sw_hikey
- sw_lolast / sw_hilast
- opcodes/sw_note_offset
- opcodes/sw_octave_offset
- opcodes/sw_previous
- sw_down / sw_up
- opcodes/sw_vel
- opcodes/sync_beats
- opcodes/sync_offset
- opcodes/tdfir_dry_onccN
- opcodes/tdfir_dry
- opcodes/tdfir_gain
- opcodes/tdfir_impulse
- opcodes/tdfir_wet_onccN
- opcodes/tdfir_wet
- opcodes/transpose
- opcodes/trigger
- tune / pitch
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/tune_keytrack
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/tune_random
- tune / pitch
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/tune_veltrack
- tune / pitch
- opcodes/type
- opcodes/varNN_
- opcodes/varNN_curveccX
- opcodes/varNN_mod
- opcodes/varNN_onccX
- opcodes/vendor_specific
- ‹curve›
- opcodes/volume_curveccN
- opcodes/volume_onccN
- opcodes/volume_smoothccN
- opcodes/volume_stepccN
- opcodes/volume
- opcodes/waveguide
- opcodes/width_curveccN
- opcodes/width_onccN
- opcodes/width_smoothccN
- opcodes/width_stepccN
- opcodes/width
- opcodes/xf_cccurve
- opcodes/xf_keycurve
- opcodes/xf_velcurve
- xfin_loccN / xfin_hiccN
- xfin_lokey / xfin_hikey
- xfin_lovel / xfin_hivel
- xfin_loccN / xfin_hiccN
- xfin_lokey / xfin_hikey
- xfin_lovel / xfin_hivel
- xfout_loccN / xfout_hiccN
- xfout_lokey / xfout_hikey
- xfout_lovel / xfout_hivel
- xfout_loccN / xfout_hiccN
- xfout_lokey / xfout_hikey
- xfout_lovel / xfout_hivel
The player will reproduce samples starting with the very first sample in the file,
unless offset
is specified. It will start playing the file at the offset
sample in this case. Note that this if this causes the region to play from a point
where the value in the file is not zero, this may result in a click in the audio.
When modulating offset with a MIDI CC, it's generally not possible to ensure the
offset will always land on a near-zero point, so a small ampeg_attack
value can be used to create a quick fade-in and avoid clicks.
Also, when using a player with disk streaming, such as Sforzando/ARIA, which does not load entire samples to memory but instead preloads on only the start (usually about half a second, following the original Gigasampler method), it is generally not a good idea to use MIDI CC modulate offset by high values so high that they would cause the offset to exceeed this buffer. In practice, that means keeping offset_random no higher than 20000 or so on most systems.
Uses include:
- having the player skip pre-attack pick noise in guitar samples
- phase-aligning samples from various microphones
- skipping the start of a saxophone sample in legato instruments
is useful to specify an alternate sample start point based
on MIDI controllers.