
Assuming oscillator_mode=0:

  • If the value is 1, the region operates normally, in single oscillator mode.
  • If the value is 2, the region operates in ring modulation mode.
  • If between 3 and 9, this defines a unison, with the value being the number of oscillators. In this case, oscillator_detune must also be set to indicate the spread between the oscillators.

Cakewalk unison

Let m be the number of oscillators defined by oscillator_multi, and d the detune value defined by oscillator_detune.

The array of m oscillators is tuned by multiplying d for each oscillator by its coefficient.

| Oscillator | Coefficient | | :---: | :---: | | 1 | 0 | | 2 | -1 | | 3 | 1 | | 4 | -1/4 | | 5 | 1/4 | | 6 | -1/2 | | 7 | 1/2 | | 8 | -3/4 | | 9 | 3/4 | {: .table .table-sm .table-bordered .table-striped }

The oscillators sum into left and right channels with declining linear gain, opposite for each channel. With i the number of the oscillator (starting at 1), the left gain is (i-1)/(m-1), and the right gain is 1-((i-1)/(m-1)).


# Left:
  [4]   25 cents,        0 dB
  [3]  -25 cents, -2.49878 dB
  [2]  100 cents,  -6.0206 dB
  [1] -100 cents, -12.0412 dB
  [0]    0 cents,     -inf dB

# Right:
  [0]    0 cents,        0 dB
  [1] -100 cents, -2.49878 dB
  [2]  100 cents,  -6.0206 dB
  [3]  -25 cents, -12.0412 dB
  [4]   25 cents,     -inf dB